Why should we using traditional herbs?

Traditional medicine mixed from materials provided by nature, be more natural.
Most of the materials absorbed by the body as a nutrient to help the immune system.
Does not contain harsh chemicals, no side effects.
Can be obtained cheaply and even for free, economical.


JAMU Recipe : Cure To Cough With Handle Of Leaf Kanjar

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Province : Java
Language : English

  • Substance :
Handle of Leaf kanjar ( Alocasia Indica)……..…… 1 bar
  • Way of Usage :
Handle of Leaf of kanjar cut [at] morning day, water accomodated by plastic, [is] then taken in the evening and drinked [by] 1 times one day as much ½ glass

Source : Traditional Ingredient [of] ala 12 ethnical [of] Indonesia by Ir. Syamsul Hidayat

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