Why should we using traditional herbs?

Traditional medicine mixed from materials provided by nature, be more natural.
Most of the materials absorbed by the body as a nutrient to help the immune system.
Does not contain harsh chemicals, no side effects.
Can be obtained cheaply and even for free, economical.


JAMU Recipe : Cure Constipation with Carrot

(Traditional Medicine Recipes)

Note :

Constipate in fact is not a[n disease, but the symptom which emerge to join disease. Meaning constipate itself [is] difficulty in defecating. [His/Its] cause [is] immeasurable, deflect for want of the fibrous food ( vegetable and fruit), too much siting, too much drinking the coffee, or less drink. Remediable constipation with traditional ingredient.

  • Substance :

Carrot ……………. 2 fruit

  • Way of Making :

Carrot washed out, [is] later;then grated and enhanced [by] 2 matured water tablespoon and a few/little salt. [Is] afterwards extorted and accomodated [by] the to dalm glass.

  • Way of Use :

Drink ingredient 2 times one day

Source : 273 Traditional Ingredient to Overcome Multifarious [of] Disease

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