Why should we using traditional herbs?

Traditional medicine mixed from materials provided by nature, be more natural.
Most of the materials absorbed by the body as a nutrient to help the immune system.
Does not contain harsh chemicals, no side effects.
Can be obtained cheaply and even for free, economical.


Cure Breast Tumors by Using Lime Parasite

Lime Parasite

  1. 1 handful of lemon Parasite
  2. Handheld Leaf ½ Sambiloto
  3. Wood handheld ¼ Secang
  4. ½ teaspoon Fennel
  5. ½ finger Pulosari
  6. Jadam Arab (the size of marbles) _____ 1 seed
  7. Turmeric tuber (of chicken eggs) _____ 1 seed

How to Make:

  • Turmeric, peeled and washed and thinly sliced​​. Boil turmeric with other ingredients in the eight glasses of water. Allow the water to subside until the remaining four cups.

How to use:

  • This herb is taken three times a day as much as a third of all drinking glasses.

Additional information:

  • In addition to the prohibition drink ramuantradisional do not consume durian, jackfruit, makanana fatty and spicy foods.

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